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Alticolor and ExpoScuola: supporting young people in choosing a professional career

The working world is constantly evolving, and with it the needs and skills required. Choosing one's professional future has always been difficult for young people, and today, with the expansion of possibilities, this choice has become even more stressful.

Aware of the importance of this moment and sympathetic to the needs of new generations, Alticolor takes part in initiatives dedicated to career guidance for young people

One of these is ExpoScuola Padua, the space that for 25 years has offered an important opportunity to meet with secondary schools, training organisations, universities, associations, companies and all those who care about the world of education. An event dedicated to exchange and open discussion that helps thousands of young people to choose their educational and professional path.

With a dedicated space and an informative video, Alticolor welcomed the students by telling them about the technological craftsman and the “trade” of those who decide to specialise in precision metal treatments.

An inspiring day that reminds us of the importance of supporting the younger generation and their path to success as professionals and people.

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Tecno Analisys' study of Alticolor dental implants


Alticolor's participation in the Aeromart trade show 

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